1.Martin Trow s theory of massification of higher education supplies a revealment for the development of higher education in China.
2.Higher education grants are a carrot with which to entice students.
3.Clinical noviciate teaching in obstetrics and gynecology is an important component of China's higher education in medical sciences.
4.The board of higher education will accredit only those institutions offering a sufficiently rigorous curriculum. To
5.For a simple reason: interdisciplinarity is the institutional counterpart of two prominent movements in higher education, postmodernism and identity politics.
6.Contrary to hypotheses, the newly married husbands with higher education achievement are more likely to choose intergenerational co-residence or even matrilocal residence.
7.Higher education management should be viewed as a process or a system.It is necessary to be well aware of the pacificator and master.